Phone-number 8.13.6-3
Generation, validation and inspection of phone numbers.
To install, add the following dependency to your project or build file:
[io.randomseed/phone-number "8.13.6-3"]
Clojure interface to Libphonenumber.
Public variables and functions:
- *default-dialing-region*
- *inferred-namespaces*
- *info-dialing-region-derived*
- *info-removed-nils*
- all-formats
- allowed-input-characters
- allowed-removable-characters
- calling-code
- calling-code-prefix
- calling-codes
- calling-codes-for-region
- carrier
- costs
- country-codes
- example
- example-non-geo
- find-numbers
- format
- formats
- generate
- geographical?
- has-calling-code?
- has-known-type?
- has-location?
- has-raw-input?
- has-region?
- has-time-zone?
- impossible?
- info
- invalid-example
- invalid?
- is-fixed-line-or-mobile?
- is-fixed-line?
- is-maybe-fixed-line?
- is-maybe-mobile?
- is-maybe-short?
- is-mobile?
- is-pager?
- is-personal?
- is-premium-rate?
- is-shared-cost?
- is-short?
- is-toll-free?
- is-uan?
- is-uncertain-fixed-line-or-mobile?
- is-unknown?
- is-voicemail?
- is-voip?
- leniencies
- locales
- location
- match
- match-types
- match?
- native?
- net-codes
- none
- numeric
- Phoneable
- possible?
- re-two-digits
- region
- region-for-calling-code
- regions
- regions-for-calling-code
- required-first-input-characters
- short-carrier-specific?
- short-cost
- short-emergency?
- short-info
- short-invalid?
- short-possible?
- short-sms-service?
- short-to-emergency?
- short-valid?
- time-zones
- time-zones-all-formats
- type
- types
- tz-formats
- valid-for-region?
- when-some-input
Country calling codes handling for phone-number.
Public variables and functions:
Cross-category databases and generators for phone-number.
Public variables and functions:
- calling-code-to-region
- calling-code-to-region-arg
- calling-code-to-regions
- calling-code-to-regions-arg
- calling-code-to-regions-arg-vec
- calling-code-to-regions-vec
- calling-code-to-types
- calling-code-to-types-vec
- calling-codes
- calling-codes-args
- costs
- costs-args
- country-codes
- country-codes-args
- formats
- formats-args
- generate-region-arg-for-calling-code
- generate-region-for-calling-code
- generate-type-arg-for-calling-code
- generate-type-arg-for-region
- generate-type-for-calling-code
- generate-type-for-region
- generate-type-for-region-arg
- leniencies
- leniencies-args
- locales
- locales-args
- match-types
- match-types-args
- net-codes
- net-codes-args
- region-arg-to-calling-code
- region-arg-to-calling-codes
- region-arg-to-types
- region-arg-to-types-vec
- region-to-calling-code
- region-to-calling-codes
- region-to-types
- region-to-types-vec
- regions
- regions-args
- type-to-calling-codes
- type-to-regions
- type-to-regions-arg
- types
- types-args
- tz-formats
- tz-formats-args
Phone number formats for phone-number.
Match types for phone-number
Global network calling codes handling for phone-number.
Public variables and functions:
Region handling for phone-number.
Phone number types for phone-number.
Singleton wrappers and helpers for phone-number.
Public variables and functions:
- available-locales
- available-locales-vec
- carrier-mapper
- char-ranges->set
- count-digits
- fmap-k
- fmap-v
- gen-digits
- gen-is
- gen-ises
- geo-coder
- get-rand-int
- get-rand-nth
- inferred-contains?
- inferred-get
- instance
- lazy-iterator-seq
- map-of-sets-invert
- ns-infer
- random-digits-len
- remove-empty-vals
- short
- time-zones-mapper
- try-null
- try-parse
- try-parse-or-false
- valid-locale?
- when-not-empty
- with-not-empty