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Support functions and macros.
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(char-ranges->set & ranges)
Returns a set of characters defined as a collection of collections with start and stop character, e.g.: \A \Z
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(gen-digits num)
(gen-digits num rng)
Generates the given number of random digits and converts all into a single string. When the second argument is present it should be an instance of random number generator used to get the digits.
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(get-rand-int n)
(get-rand-int n rng)
Like rand-int but optionally uses random number generator.
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(get-rand-nth v)
(get-rand-nth v rng)
Returns a random element of the given vector. When the second argument is present it should be an instance of random number generator used to get the random position.
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(inferred-contains? coll k)
Just like the contains? but if the keyword is namespace-qualified it also checks if the collection contains the same keyword as its key but without a namespace.
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(inferred-get coll k)
(inferred-get coll k default)
Just like the get function but if the keyword is namespace-qualified it first attempts to look for the value associated with it. If that fails it uses the variant of the keyword without any namespace.
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(lazy-iterator-seq coll)
(lazy-iterator-seq coll iter)
Returns a lazy sequence as an interface to the given iterable Java object.
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(ns-infer ns-name k)
(ns-infer ns-name k use-infer)
Takes a string of namespace name and a keyword. If the given keyword is not namespace-qualified it returns a new keyword with the given namespace added. If the given keyword is already equipped with a namespace it returns it.
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(random-digits-len x iteration shrink-now)
(random-digits-len x iteration shrink-now rng)
For 0 or 1 it returns its argument. For other positive numbers it returns a random natural number from 1 to this number (inclusive) in 50% cases. In other 50% cases it returns its argument.
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(try-null & body)
Evaluates body and if NullPointerException exception is caught it returns nil. Otherwise it returns the value of last expression in the body.
(try-parse-int s)
Returns integer from an object or nil if the given object does not contain valid integer.
(try-parse-long s)
Returns long from an object or nil if the given object does not contain valid long.
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(when-not-empty val & body)
Evaluates body when the given value is a non-empty collection.
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(with-not-empty obj)
Returns the collection if it’s not empty. Otherwise returns nil