Random:utils 1.2.34
Random Utilities.
To install, add the following dependency to your project or build file:
[io.randomseed/utils "1.2.34"]
Random support functions and macros.
Public variables and functions:
- add-spc-b
- add-spc-l
- add-spc-r
- ask
- atom?
- b64-to-bytes
- bytes-concat
- bytes-to-string
- bzero
- char-ranges->set
- const-form?
- contains-some?
- count-digits
- current-thread
- current-thread-id
- current-thread-name
- defdoc!
- empty-ident?
- empty-string?
- ensure-ident-keyword
- ensure-keyword
- ensure-keyword-having-ns
- ensure-namespaced-keyword
- ensure-ns
- ensure-str
- exception?
- find-first
- fn-name
- gen-digits
- get-rand-int
- inferred-contains?
- inferred-get
- insert-at
- instant?
- is
- is-not
- juxt-seq
- lazy-iterator-seq
- mapply
- must-have-ns
- named-to-str
- named-to-str-trim
- nil-or-empty-str?
- nil-spc-or-empty-str
- nil-spc-or-empty-str?
- normalize-name
- normalize-name-with-ns
- normalize-to-bytes
- not-empty-ident?
- not-empty-string?
- not-valuable
- not-valuable?
- ns-infer
- or-some
- parse-long
- parse-num
- parse-percent
- parse-re
- parse-url
- percent
- pos-val
- qsome
- qstrb
- random-digits-len
- random-uuid
- read-line-with-prompt
- replace-first
- safe-parse-long
- safe-parse-num
- safe-parse-percent
- sanitize-base-url
- simple-keyword-up
- simple-quote-form?
- simple-symbol-up
- some-fn*
- some-keyword
- some-keyword-simple
- some-keyword-up
- some-long
- some-str
- some-str-down
- some-str-simple
- some-str-simple-down
- some-str-simple-up
- some-str-spc
- some-str-squeeze-spc
- some-str-up
- some-string
- some-symbol
- some-symbol-simple
- some-symbol-up
- str-spc
- str-squeeze-spc
- strb
- strs
- strs-simple
- strspc
- strspc-squeezed
- text-to-bytes
- throwable?
- to-bytes
- to-lisp-simple-str
- to-lisp-slashed-str
- to-lisp-str
- to-lisp-str-replace-first
- to-long
- to-snake-simple-str
- to-snake-slashed-str
- to-snake-str
- to-snake-str-replace-first
- to-uuid
- try-null
- try-require
- uuid
- valuable
- valuable?
- when-not-empty
- when-not-valuable
- when-valuable
- with-not-empty
Random utils, inter-thread bus.
Public variables and functions:
- close
- config
- control-channel
- current-ns-str
- data-channel
- empty-outcome
- empty-reply
- get-command
- get-data
- get-result
- handle-command
- handle-request
- id-request->response
- list-workers
- new-control-channel
- new-data-channel
- new-outcome
- new-reply
- new-request
- new-response
- new-worker
- new-worker!
- new-worker-with-wid
- outcome?
- process-request
- put-command
- put-data
- receive-request
- receive-response
- remove-worker
- remove-worker!
- reply?
- request->response
- request?
- response?
- send-id-request
- send-request
- send-response
- start-worker
- stop-worker
- try-process-request
- try-put-command
- try-put-data
- try-send-id-request
- try-send-request
- try-send-response
- update-config
- update-config!
- update-worker
- update-worker!
- wait-for-command
- wait-for-data
- wait-for-request
- wait-for-response
- wait-for-result
- worker
- worker-exists?
- worker-id
- worker?
- workers
- workers?
Random utilities, crypto support functions.
Public variables and functions:
Random utils, database helper functions.
Public variables and functions:
- braced-?
- braced-join-?
- braced-join-col-names
- braced-join-col-names-no-conv
- cache-create
- cache-evict!
- cache-id+
- cache-lookup
- cache-lookup-coll
- cache-prepare
- cached-setting-del
- cached-setting-get
- cached-setting-set
- cwr-lookup
- dash
- data-source?
- for-insert-multi-or
- for-insert-or
- for-replace
- for-replace-multi
- get-cached
- get-cached-coll
- get-cached-coll-prop
- get-cached-prop
- get-cached-prop-or-default
- get-failed?
- get-id
- get-ids
- id-as-str
- id-from-db
- id-to-db
- init-cache
- init-caches
- insert-multi-or!
- insert-or!
- insert-or-ignore!
- insert-or-ignore-multi!
- insert-or-replace!
- insert-or-replace-multi!
- invalidate!
- invalidate+!
- invalidator
- join-?
- join-col-names
- join-v=?
- listed-nil
- make-deleter
- make-getter
- make-getter-coll
- make-setter
- make-setting-deleter
- make-setting-getter
- make-setting-setter
- memoize
- memoize+
- memoized+?
- memoizer
- not-found
- not-found?
- opts-map
- opts-simple-map
- opts-simple-vec
- opts-slashed-map
- opts-slashed-vec
- opts-vec
- print-caches
- remove-caches
- replace!
- replace-multi!
- to-lisp
- to-lisp-simple
- to-lisp-slashed
- to-snake
- to-snake-simple
- to-snake-slashed
- underscore
- values-?
Opinionated database type conversions.
Public variables and functions:
- add-all-accessors
- add-all-readers
- add-all-setters
- add-reader-blob
- add-reader-date
- add-setter-date
- add-setter-ip-address
- add-setter-phone-number
- add-setter-uuid
- opts-map
- opts-simple-map
- opts-simple-vec
- opts-slashed-map
- opts-slashed-vec
- opts-vec
- to-lisp
- to-lisp-simple
- to-lisp-slashed
- to-snake
- to-snake-simple
- to-snake-slashed
- utc-time-zone
Random utils, filesystem utilities.
Public variables and functions:
- abs-pathname
- absolute-path?
- basename
- empty-str-ary
- exists?
- extension
- file
- get-java-classpath-folders
- get-java-property
- home-dir-pathname
- mapv-java-properties
- parse-java-properties
- parse-java-property
- prop-pathname
- prop-regex
- read-lines
- read-preferences
- relative-path?
- resource-exists?
- resource-file
- resource-pathname
- user-dir-pathname
- with-ns-loading
- write-preferences
Random utils, IP address support functions.
Public variables and functions:
- address
- bytes-to-address
- bytes-to-ipv4
- bytes-to-ipv6
- in4t?
- in6t?
- inet-address?
- ip?
- ipv4-mapped?
- ipv4?
- ipv6?
- is-ip?
- is-ipv4-mapped?
- is-ipv4?
- is-ipv6?
- java-inet-to-address
- number-to-address
- number-to-ipv4
- number-to-ipv6
- plain-ip
- plain-ip-str
- preprocess-ip-list
- string-to-address
- to-address
- to-str
- to-str-plain
- to-str-v4
- to-str-v6
- to-string
- to-string-v4
- to-string-v6
- to-v4
- to-v6
- ubyte
Random utils, opinionated logging support functions.
Random utils, map utilities.
Public variables and functions:
- assoc-existing
- assoc-if
- assoc-if-key
- assoc-if-not
- assoc-if-not-key
- assoc-missing
- dissoc-if
- dissoc-in
- duplicate-keys
- invert-in-sets
- lazy
- lazy-get
- lazy?
- map-keys
- map-keys-and-vals
- map-keys-by-v
- map-of-sets-invert
- map-of-vectors-invert-flatten
- map-vals
- map-vals-by-k
- map-vals-by-kv
- map-values
- map-values-with-path
- map-values-with-rpath
- merge-lazy
- nil-existing-keys
- nil-keys
- or-map
- qassoc
- qupdate
- remove-empty-values
- remove-except
- remove-if-value
- remove-if-value-in
- remove-if-value-not-in
- select-keys-lazy
- to-lazy
- update-bytes-to-strings
- update-existing
- update-if
- update-if-not
- update-missing
- update-to-bytes
- update-values
- update-values-or-seqs
- update-values-or-seqs-recur
- update-values-recur
Random utils, Reitit support functions.
Public variables and functions:
Random utilities, date and time functions.
Public variables and functions:
- add-second
- date-time-rpat
- date-to-local-utc
- days
- days-ago
- duration->time
- duration-map
- duration-or-time
- duration?
- hours
- instant-utc
- local-utc-delta
- millis
- milliseconds
- minutes
- neg-duration?
- one-second
- parse-dt
- parse-dt-secs
- parse-dur-min
- parse-duration
- parse-ts
- parse-ts-secs
- pos-duration?
- safe-parse-dt
- safe-parse-dt-secs
- safe-parse-ts
- safe-parse-ts-secs
- seconds
- sub-second
- time->duration
- time-unit
- timeish?
- timestamp
- timestamp-secs
- try-times
- try-times*
- tstamp-pat
- unit-to-efn
- utc
- utc-instant
- utc-to-local-date
- zero-duration?
Random utils, common validators.
Public variables and functions: