added in 1.0.0

Random utils, map utilities.


(assoc-existing)(assoc-existing coll)(assoc-existing coll k val)(assoc-existing coll k val & more)

Associates keys and values only if the keys exist in a map.



(assoc-if coll pred k val)(assoc-if coll pred k val & pairs)



(assoc-if-key coll k pred val)



(assoc-if-not coll pred k val)(assoc-if-not coll pred k val & pairs)



(assoc-if-not-key coll k pred val)


(assoc-missing)(assoc-missing coll)(assoc-missing coll k val)(assoc-missing coll k val & more)

Associates keys and values only if the keys do not yet exist in a map.


(dissoc-if m k pred)


added in 1.0.0

(dissoc-in m [k & ks :as keys])

Like clojure.core/assoc-in but removes entries. Leaves empty maps.


(duplicate-keys map kmap)

Returns a map map with the keys present in kmap duplicated under new names according to the values in kmap.


added in 1.0.0

(invert-in-sets m)(invert-in-sets m dst)

Like clojure.set/map-invert but preserves all possible values in sets.



(lazy)(lazy m)

Creates a lazy map from a literal map. All values are unrealized.



(lazy-get m k exp)

Like get but the default value is an expression that is going to be evaluated only if the associative structure does not contain the given key.


(lazy? m)

Returns true if the given argument is a lazy map.


added in 1.0.0

(map-keys f m)(map-keys f m dst)

For each key and value of the given map m calls a function passed as the first argument (passing successive keys during calls to it) and generates a map with keys updated by results returned by the function. When the third argument is given then it should be a map on which operations are performed instead of using an empty map.


added in 1.0.0

(map-keys-and-vals f m)(map-keys-and-vals f m dst)

For each key and value of the given map m calls a function passed as the first argument (passing successive keys during calls to it) and generates a map with keys updated by results returned by the function and values also updated by results of the same function. The function should return a sequential collection of 2 elements: first containing a new value of a key and second containing a new value of a transformed value associated with that key. When the third argument is given then it should be a map on which operations are performed instead of using an empty map.


added in 1.0.0

(map-keys-by-v f m)(map-keys-by-v f m dst)

For each key and value of the given map m calls a function passed as the first argument (passing successive values during calls to it) and generates a map with keys updated by results returned by the function. When the third argument is given then it should be a map on which operations are performed instead of using and empty map.


added in 1.0.0

(map-of-sets-invert m)

Like clojure.set/map-invert but for map of sets (as values) to preserve all possible values (as keys of newly created map).


added in 1.0.0

(map-of-vectors-invert-flatten m)

Like clojure.set/map-invert but for map of vectors (as values). Duplicated keys are replaced.


added in 1.0.0

(map-vals f m)(map-vals f m dst)

For each key and value of the given map m calls a function passed as the first argument (passing successive values during calls to it) and generates a map with values updated by results returned by the function. When the third argument is given it should be a map on which operations are performed instead of using the original map. This may be helpful when we want to avoid merging the results with another map.


added in 1.0.0

(map-vals-by-k f m)(map-vals-by-k f m dst)

For each key and value of the given map m calls a function passed as the first argument (passing successive keys during calls to it) and generates a map with values updated by results returned by the function. When the third argument is given it should be a map on which operations are performed instead of using the original map. This may be helpful when we want to avoid merging the results with another map.


added in 1.0.0

(map-vals-by-kv f m)(map-vals-by-kv f m dst)

For each key and value of the given map m calls a function passed as the first argument (passing successive keys and values during calls to it) and generates a map with values updated by results returned by the function. When the third argument is given it should be a map on which operations are performed instead of using the original map. This may be helpful when we want to avoid merging the results with another map.


(map-values f coll)

Recursively transforms values of a map coll using function f. The function should take a value and return new value.


(map-values-with-path f coll)

Recursively transforms values of a map coll using function f. The function should take a value and a sequence of visited keys (stored in a vector), and return a new value.


(map-values-with-rpath f coll)

Recursively transforms values of a map coll using function f. The function should take a value and a sequence of visited keys in reverse order (stored in a persistent list), and return a new value.


(merge-lazy m1 m2)

Merges two lazy maps.


(nil-existing-keys m keys)


(nil-keys m keys)


(or-map m)

Returns an empty map if the argument is nil. Otherwise returns its argument.


(qassoc mp a b)(qassoc mp a b c d)(qassoc mp a b c d e f)(qassoc mp a b c d e f g h)(qassoc mp a b c d e f g h i j)(qassoc mp a b c d e f g h i j k l)(qassoc mp a b c d e f g h i j k l m n)(qassoc mp a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p)(qassoc mp a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r)(qassoc mp a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r & pairs)

Faster version of assoc with some of the checks and conversions disabled. Associates key a with value b in mp. If mp is nil it creates a new map.


(qupdate m k f)(qupdate m k f x)(qupdate m k f x y)(qupdate m k f x y z)(qupdate m k f x y z c)(qupdate m k f x y z c v)(qupdate m k f x y z c v a)(qupdate m k f x y z c v a b)(qupdate m k f x y z c v a b & more)

Similar to clojure.core/update, updates a value in an associative structure, where k is a key and f is a function which will take the old value and any supplied args and return the new value, and returns a new structure. Uses qassoc instead of clojure.core/assoc internally.

If the key does not exist, nil is passed as the old value.


(remove-empty-values m)


(remove-except m keyseq)


(remove-if-value m pred)


(remove-if-value-in m vals)


(remove-if-value-not-in m vals)


(select-keys-lazy m keyseq)

Like clojure.core/select-keys but preserves unrealized values as they are.


(to-lazy)(to-lazy m)

Converts the given map to a lazy map.


(update-bytes-to-strings coll k)(update-bytes-to-strings coll k & keys)


(update-existing coll k fun)(update-existing coll k fun & more)

Updates the given key k of coll by calling a function fun and passing optional arguments specified as additional arguments. Will not perform any update if the given key does not exist within the collection. Returns updated collection.

If fun is not a function it will be made one by using constantly.


(update-if coll k pred fun)(update-if coll k pred fun & more)


(update-if-not coll k pred fun)(update-if-not coll k pred fun & more)


(update-missing coll k fun)(update-missing coll k fun & more)

Updates the given key k of coll by calling a function fun and passing optional arguments specified as additional arguments. Will not perform any update if the given key exists within the collection, therefore the function will always receive nil as its argument. Returns updated collection.

If fun is not a function it will be made one by using constantly.


(update-to-bytes coll k)(update-to-bytes coll k & keys)


added in 1.0.0

(update-values map vmap)(update-values map vmap create-keys?)(update-values map vmap create-keys? remove-key-mark)

Returns the map with its values identified with keys from vmap updated with the associated functions from vmap.


added in 1.0.0

(update-values-or-seqs map vmap)(update-values-or-seqs map vmap create-keys?)

Returns the map with its values identified with keys from vmap updated with the associated functions from vmap.


added in 1.0.0

(update-values-or-seqs-recur map vmap)(update-values-or-seqs-recur map vmap create-keys?)

Returns the map with its values identified with keys from vmap recursively updated with the associated functions from vmap. Shape is not reflected, second map (vmap) should be flat, searching for keys is recursive, including nested vectors.


added in 1.0.0

(update-values-recur map vmap)(update-values-recur map vmap create-keys?)

Returns the map with its values identified with keys from vmap recursively updated with the associated functions from vmap. Shape is not reflected, second map (vmap) should be flat, searching for keys is recursive, including nested vectors.